What We Believe


The Charlestown Road Southern Baptist Church believes in the 5 fundamentals of the Christian faith:
1.      The 66 books of the Bible are inerrant in the original autographs.
2.    Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, Mary, thus enabling Him to live a sinless life of perfection.
3.    Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world taking man’s place.
4.    Jesus Christ was physically resurrected 3 days after His death and then ascended to heaven to be with God the Father.
5.    Jesus Christ will physically return again to the earth in His Second Coming for His Church, those who are born-again Christians.
The Charlestown Road Southern Baptist Church voluntarily cooperates with the Southeastern Indiana Baptist Association, the State Convention of Baptist in Indiana, and the Southern Baptist Convention.
As a result, we believe and teach the

Charlestown Road Southern Baptist Church
Phone: (812) 944-2780

Charlestown Road Southern Baptist Church 
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